Vanilla Cheesecake


Vanilla might be considered simple, but at TART, we see it as the foundation of all things beautiful. Pure, clean, and deceptively complex, our Vanilla cheesecake is a tribute to the beauty of restraint.

Ingredients: Cream cheese, vanilla beans, sugar, cream.


Alergeni: gluten (făina din grâu), ouă (gălbenuș, albuș), lactoză (lapte de vacă, unt, smântână, mascarpone), poate conține urme de: arahide, soia, nuci, susan;
Informații nutriționale 100 g: valoare energetică (kJ/kcal): 1259.7 / 302.9, grăsimi (g): 15.1 din care: acizi grași saturați (g) 27.7, glucide (g): 22 din care: zaharuri (g): 17.4, proteine (g): 4.3, sare (g): 0.2.

Vanilla Cheesecake

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Tart sizes

Slice 130 gr 1 pax
Medium 330 gr 11 cm 2 pax
Large 750 gr 18 cm 6-8 pax
Party 1700 gr 26 cm 10-12 pax


Always fresh

It’s incredibly soft and itch-free on the inside, strong on the outside, and ethically sourced to high standards for an outstanding fit that treads light on our planet.


Sweet On The Planet

Hand-woven and delightfully soft, our fabric was designed and created in-house, and is made with the world’s first carbon neutral green EVA.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Large, Medium, Party, Slice


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